From the early days of muscle and might
through to the technological revolution
of steelmaking, generations of blood
relatives have passed the Dofasco baton
from hand to hand.
From the start, the company hiring
practice was to look favourably on
the family members of employees
when making hiring decisions. A 1938
Illustrated News story about the children
of Dofasco men and women noted “For
many years past it has been the policy
of all departments to give preference
to the sons of D F S men, and with
the commencement of the Tin Plate
Department it became possible to
provide employment for some of their
daughters also.”
The story notes that 26 years after the
company was founded more than 160
employees (of approximately 700) were
related and that in one case there were
three generations of a family working
at the plant. From time to time, the
Illustrated News would feature the D F S
families, running a portrait series on “The
Second Generation At Work In The Plant”
or “Fathers and Sons” (1939).
The practice continued with a regular
feature of employees sitting for portraits
with their families at home.
Today, many ArcelorMittal Dofasco
employees have a story to tell about
their family and Dofasco. Many span
multiple generations and siblings, ranging
from a brief stay as a summer student
or dedicating a full career. Be it through
a collection of memories and stories
of Christmas parties past, or through
a treasure trove of trinkets preserved
with care, Dofasco families have
passed the lore of the company from
hand to hand and heart to heart over
many generations.
Dofasco DNA and the steel
ties that bind