Entertainment figured prominently for much
of Dofasco’s history. The tradition appears
to have sprung from gala Christmas parties
marked by stage shows that included
choral singing, skits and other employee-
generated entertainment.
In 1949, the home-grown entertainment
craze reached its pinnacle when Dofasco
employees staged the “Follies”—this
time under the direction of a professional
producer from New York at Hamilton’s
Palace Theatre. Proceeds from the shows
went to charity.
The famous Dofasco Male Chorus Choir
voices began harmonizing in 1945. The
troupe is a Canadian institution travelling
extensively to entertain audiences all over
Southern Ontario. The choir performs for
free, allowing host organizations, church
groups and service clubs an opportunity
to raise funds. During Dofasco’s 50th
anniversary, in 1962, the Chorus embarked
on a cross-Canada tour that took them
from Montreal to Vancouver.
The Chorus also became well known to
Toronto-area television audiences as the
ensemble was an annual fixture in
the local television station’s (CHCH)
Christmas programming.
Typical of the Chorus’ popularity was its
selection to play at the opening of the
Canadian National Exhibition in 1974 with
then Premier Bill Davis presiding.
On the streets, the Dofasco Pipe Band
has been marching and performing since
and is the oldest sponsored industrial
pipe band in North America. Originally
established as the Dominion Foundries and
Steel Overseas Veterans Pipe Band, in the
beginning the band featured employees
only. Later, family and community members
were welcomed.
Band Members wear the Gordon Tartan,
in honour of Huntley Gordon, a former
Dofasco vice president. The pipers,
drummers, bass and tenors have performed
and competed across North America
including the Calgary Stampede and have
won North American Championships at
various levels.
A century of song